Monday, September 19, 2005

Harry Potter preview

I was watching TV last night and while flipping to Lord of the Rings :Two Towers, I caught a new preview for the new Harry Potter movie. It looks really good. I probably won't like The Goblet of Fire movie as much as I've liked the other movies because I am reading the book right now. For the past movies, I had either seen the movie before reading the book or read the book long enough before seing the movie that I forgot details. Since I am reading (re-reading, actually) The Goblet of Fire so close to the release date of the film, the details will be fresh in my mind. Already I have a few complaints, mostly about the casting:

Made Eye Moody - In the movie, doesn't look how I picture him from the book. He is supposed to be scarred and gnarled, but the actor looks a little too cartoon character. Plus he is supposed to have a magical eye that can move 360 degrees in any direction, but in the movie it acts like a normal eye.

Fluer - She is supposed to be half Veela (a magical siren type woman who is supposed to be irresistible to men. The actress is pretty, but not as pretty as she should be (according to the discription in the book)

Viktor Krum - In the book, he is supposed to be surley and brooding. In the previews, he looks as thought he could be a stand in on the OC. Too pretty.

Madame Maxime - She is supposed to be big like Hagrid. In the preview, she is tall, but skinny. Not quite what I imagined.

It is disappointing that, after nailing the casting on so many of the charactors, they seem to be slipping on how they cast new charactors. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, the Weasley's, Snape, Malfoy, everyone looks like the book discribes them. Now, I'm not saying that the casting is terrible, it's just not as dead on as it has been in the past. Another thing that bothers me is that the layout of Hogwarts is different in the different movies. The first two movies kept the layout rather similar, but the third movie was very different. The biggest difference that I noticed was that Hagrids house moves from right next to the castle to the bottom of a big hill. I know it's due to the new director and all that, but I would think that they'd try to keep the background the same from movie to movie.

Anyway, I am excited about the movie coming out in November. I will enjoy it, but will probably be disapointed in some aspects of the film.


Woody! said...

Yeah, I really didn't like the Mad-Eye Moody shot they showed. It didn't match up with how I pctured it, either. I got the impression the Veela aren't strictly beatuful, but it's more magic than looks that make the boys swoon. Krum had to be somewhat pretty cause Hermione liked him.

The Harry books get longer and longer. That means more and more stuff that gets cut for the movies. It's bound to have an off-putting effect on those who read the book.

Still have to read the new one, dammit.

Eric Rhodes said...

Don't forget, in the book, Hermione is not the best looking girl. She has big poofy hair and buck teeth. She used Madame Pomfrey's tooth shrinking potion to make them smaller in Goblet of Fire after she got hit with a teeth enlarging spell. She just shrunk them smaller than normal.

My attention to detail isn't normally that good, but I am currently reading the Goblet of Fire in preparation for the up coming movie.

The new book is actually shorter. Very good though.