Thursday, September 29, 2005

I thought 'What the Heck'

While I was falling off the Best Buy wagon and buying some technological needs, I also passed by the DVD section where I saw the Battlestar Galactica DVD set. The new series, not the old one with Lorne Greene. I liked the old show as a child, but if I see them now, I realize how corney some of them were. If I remember correctly, the kid on the show had a pet 'dagget' (let me know if that is not what it was called) which looked like a Halloween costume gone bad. A person is dressed up as a cyber dog/teddy bear. Anyway, I picked up BG because I remembered Woody referencing it a few times and I got the impression that it was good. He doesn't blog about it as much as he does Firefly, but after watching and liking Firefly on his recommendation, I thought 'what the heck?' and bought the BG DVD set. I started watching it last week and am done with the entire series already. They were incredibly good. Everything that I wish the old series could have been. The effects are great (except for maybe when they show the robotic Cylons running), the acting is good, and the story is supurb. It basically follows the old story, but with a few changes. In case you've never seen the new series, I will not spoil anything. The biggest change, however, is that the Cylons are able to look, feel, and act like humans. That doesn't spoil anything since it is something that you learn in the opening sequence of the debut mini series. This is the best change because it adds a level of intrigue and suspense that the old show lacked. Back in the old series, humans were good, Cylons were bad and looked like robots. It was very black and white. Honestly, I am suprised that this new series hasn't been picked up by one of the big networks. It is an excellent show and is far better than some of the crap that's on these days. I really want to see season two. Does anyone know if it is airing already? If so when?

Something I find amusing about the human appearing Cylons is that the male Cylons look gruff and like they could be bad guys, but the female cylons are beautiful women. They put the blonde in all sorts if skimpy outfits and have teaser shots of her half nude and the Asian woman is equally attractive, though they do not play up her sexuality as much. Fellas, in case you are paranoid about being duped into having sex with a Cylon agent, be aware that when they get it on, their spines glow red through their skin. So, I suggest different sexual positions with your lady so that you have a view of her back occasionally and can easily identify if she/it is human or Cylon. Just don't let on that you suspect that she is a Cylon. They are quite strong and will most likely whup on you if discovered. Just a little advice from me to you.

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