Monday, May 07, 2007

Make sure to take you biniculars to the strip club

I'm not sure if anyone is aware, but there is a bill that may be passed in Ohio that will basically destroy the 'gentlemen's club' industry. Now, before I go further, yes, I have been to a strip club. My guess is that a large percentage of straight men and some women have gone to a strip club at least once in their life. The reasons vary, I'm sure, but people go. In my opinion, it's not a big deal to go to a strip club. You get to look at and flirt with pretty girls in an environment that is controlled. Now, the law that may be passed will put a six foot restriction on the girls and the clubs will need to close by midnight. So basically, it will be like going to a zoo and looking at the lions. It will basically end the entire reason why guys go to strip clubs: no more getting close to and having conversations with hot women. Sure, you could go to a bar and have a conversation with a hot girl, but the expectations are different:

At the strip clubs, you go, have a drink, maybe buy a girl a drink, enjoy her company, and then you go home.

At the bar, you go, have a drink, maybe buy a girl a drink, enjoy her company, and then explain to her that you are married and just wanted to do some fun flirting. Then she throws the rest of her drink in you face, it burns your eyes, you wipe your eyes off leaving your crotch exposed, she hits you in the crotch, and you need to go home to explain to your wife why you are wet, your eyes are red, and your balls are throbbing. I've seen it a thousand times.

Ok, I get why some people are against strip clubs, but the bottom line is, if the restrictions are put into place, the strip club industry will go under, thousands of girls will be put out of work, and prostitution will probably increase. Not to mention the fact that the government would be taking away yet another one of our choices. Right now, we can't listen to certain things, we can't watch certain things (talking about censorship), and gay people have no rights. What's next? Aren't we supposed to be living in a free country? Man! We really need to get the Republicans out of power.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure the strip club industry would go under. I think men will still go, even if the naked woman is at a 6-foot reach. Hey, it's a live, naked woman. Can't touch her anymore, but look at her boobs!

Not that I'm condoning the laws. I guess I don't really care one way or the other. I'm not one that frequents strip clubs (although I have gone once in my lifetime), so it doesn't really affect me.

Eric Rhodes said...

Yeah, you can still see the girls. I think that the concern is that the guys will stop spending as much money because there will be no more private dances. That's how they make their big money.

Anonymous said...

I am all for the law. I really don't see the need to get that close or have a private dance. What percentage of the strippers are decent women. Have a little respect for your body and self. I don't have a problem with people every once in a while going to do guy/girl stuff. Benn there done that. But, those that go more often (regulars) are just perverts. Did you hear about the mom that would lock her kids five and ten in a dog cage and use a shock collar on them? She was a strippers. NOT all are bad, but a high percentage of them are. I think freedom of speech gets taken too far. It is bring down the over all morals of the country. Check out the crime rate increase with relationship to dropping in morals. I am not saying we should prevent people from speaking their opinions. But, lets do it with class. I am against abortion and think is should be band. But, I have no problems with Pro life and demonstrations. People have problems with laws, but if they are not going to keep themselves morally in check someone else has to do it. Do you think that our founding fathers would have given us so much freedom if they knew how we were going to be in 2007? Ok that went far beyond strip clubs.

Eric Rhodes said...

Wow Amy, rant much? Yeah, society is pretty depraved. The thing is, if you get rid of places like strip clubs, that industry will just go underground. Instead of lap dances, you'll be looking at a lot more prostitution. I heard about the women that locked up her kids. It's people like her that make everyone think that strippers are evil. As for the morality of the country, it's parents that are failing. The government can't step in to change that though. If the government steps in to try to force morality, that's when you flirt with dictatorship. Ever read 1984? The price to pay for living in a free country is that you need to take the bad with the good. The same goes with abortion. If it becomes illegal, women will still do it. Only it will become an unregulated and unsafe practice.

Anonymous said...

Morality of the this country is something that people can debate forever and never come up with a good answer to. I agree that it needs to be the parent that steps up to the plate. They just don't. Hmmm is sounds like you know a lot of "nice" strippers ;) But, you contradict your self about saying that they will turn to prostitutes. Are strippers one step away from them? I don't think that many strippers would turn to prostitution. Most are very particular about no touching. ( I think) They will end up finding a lower paying job. Besides are not most of them just working their way through school anyhow? Really the only ones that turn to prostitution will likely be the ones that do a little on the side anyhow. They will likely just do it full time then. I don't think they will ever get shut down. More regulated, yes. Fewer sleazy ones yes. But, not gone forever. The government is suppose to represent the people (like that really happens that often). So if the majority of the people really want morality laws is the government really forcing it on the people? Those that disagree with the laws will feel forced. If the laws are not put into place won't the ones who are for them feel their voices and needs are not being heard and met?

Eric Rhodes said...

I didn't mean that the strippers will become prostitutes. I mean that the guys that go to strip clubs will likely turn to prostitutes if they are no longer allowed to get their cheap thrills at the clubs. I don't mean sex, necessarily either. I just seem to think that if the clubs close, guys that want that type of contact will find it elsewhere (hookers or other illegal establishments). I jst think that they people that don't like stip clubs should just stay out of them. Just like the people that push censorship on TV and radio. If you don't like it, change the channel.

As for the majority of the people getting laws passed, that isn't necessarily the case. The group trying to pass the six foot limit is the same group that pushed the gay marriage ban. It is a minority that does nothing all day but blast fax politicians with their propeganda and petitions so that they can't be ignored. Yes, we need more morality in this country, but forcing that narrow minded view of intollerance on everyone is just as bad. I get your point of view too though, Amy. The whole world is going in a downward spiral, if you ask me. I just think that law makers should be focused on more important things that strip clubs. And the latest presidential poll shows that our 'moral' president has about a 30% approval rating right now. Yes, the people vote the politicians into office, but after that they just do whatever they want to for their own reasons.

And yes, I've met a few very nice strippers. They are all law students. It's amazing that most of the lawyers I have met have been old, unattractive men :)

Eric Rhodes said...

Oh, and for the record, I am happily married and don't need that kind of establishment in my life.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I don't think that the men will head to prostitutes. Maybe the adult book stores a little more. I do my own censoring of Radio and TV. SO I don't care what Howard Stern says or any of them. But, I hate how the media brings the comments into the view of everyone. Oh what is is name? All ready forgotten his name. The guy so said bad stuff about the women basketball players. Yes it was wrong and he should not have said it and apologized to the team. But, the media of all kinds blasted it in the public and forced every one to hear it over and over again. It is just one of those things you can't hid from or keep your kids away from so that is why parents need to teach moral at home because the kids will be exposed to all kinds of things.

That is the hard part. People that would work for the people will never get elected (the politicians will see to that) The few good elected officials have to do some crappy stuff just to get one or two of their good stuff passed. No one gets anything done and they all lie. Our state is just as bad as the Federal right now.

Each comment I leave seem to get farther away from you main post. Sorry about that

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.