Saturday, October 21, 2006

So Good I watched it Twice. No Kidding!

For those of you that haven't been bitten by the Battlestar Galactica bug, go out and rent, buy, borrow, or steal seasons one and two of this spectacular show and catch up on the bestest (yes, I said bestest) show on TV today. Last nights episode was spectacular. It was amazing. It was super fan-diddily-tastic. You know that if a Flanders-ism is used, it must be good. As amazing as this episode was, I still have a few issues and I must say that it was a bit predictable. I am bout to go into details, so if you haven't seen the episode yet, you may want to stop reading. There will be some spoilers.

Ok, first off, Starbuck and Kasey. I sorta figured that the Cylons were frakking with Starbuck. If Hera (Helo and Sharon's baby) was concieved on Caprica before Starbuck was captured by the Cylons, how would Kasey appear to be considerably older than Hera? If both Hera and Kasey were human Cylon hybrids, they should age the same, right? This goes to show that Starbuck is a bit gullable. How can a kid would be one year old or so, look like a three year old? It also bothered me that, when Starbuck got Kasey back to the Galactica, they happened to find Kasey's real mother immediately. In all of that confusion, the probability that Kasey's mother would ever show up is slim.

Second, Since I have seen the old BSG shows and knew that the Pegasus was sacrificed while saving the fleet and the Galactica, I kinda saw how this episode was going to play out. Last week when Adama told Apollo that the Galactica was going to go back to New Caprica alone, I knew that Apollo was going to disobey, the Pegasus would show up in the nick of time and would be sacrificed to save the Galactica and the fleet. However, that did NOT change the fact that the battle scenes were amazing. Watching the Pegasus come in and blast the crap out of the Cylon Base Stars was incredible. I get chills just thinking about it.

Probably the most amazing scene in the whole show (yes, more amazing that Pegasus charging in to save the Galactica) was the Galactica's rescue and liberation of New Caprica. I knew that they were going to send deycoys. That is a typical strategy. However, I thought that the Galactica was going to jump between the two base stars and blast the crap out of them. I did not see an in atomosphere jump in order to launch Vipers to help the troops on the ground, only to jump away right before crashing into the ground. WOW. That was cool. I bet the Cylons crapped a giant metal turd when they looked up to see the Galactica plummeting towards them.

Some things that I saw coming and also that bothered me:

1. The Cylons got a hold of Hera. I saw that coming.
2. Gaeda let Baltar live. I saw that coming AND it still bothered me. Why would it matter if Baltar stopped the Cylons from setting off the nuke? Most of the humans were off the planet already. I know that Baltar is meant to live because he is going to have a part in the storyline, but come on Gaeda. Kill him and take his head back to the Galactica with you!
3. They made a point to have the guy that joined the Caprica Police end up protecting Roslin while she went to Colonial One, but nothing really came of it. I was expecting that she would run into some Cylons, they would identify the guy (Crashdown?) as a CP officer, and he would have to choose between the Cylons and Roslin. It didn't happen and it appeared that Roslin just had a leisurely stroll to Colonial One.

Well, I think that is enough for now. Any thoughts or comments? Best episode ever? I think it could be. It's certainly the best episode so far this season.


Herb said...

Well Eric, you're are correct on one thing...BSG is one of the best SciFi shows I've seen in a long time. It's today's equivalent of what ST Next Generation was to us back when it first came out with Q's pompus all-knowing speeches. All I can say is "wow".

Carrie and I are hooked on the DVDs right now...being that we don't have cable and I catch these episodes at a friend's house, I have to say that it was not the best episode. I would have to lobby for the episode where we're re-introduced to Caprica 6 and Sharon reborn on Caprica. The irony of the Gaius Baltar concious/ghost was pretty cool and the paradigm shift the show took was really well done. Sorry, space battles are cool but excellent writing and plot lines are better. Later.

Eric Rhodes said...

Yeah, that episode was pretty neat. Hey, speaking of Caprica 6, did anyone notice in the last episode that when Baltar found Hera, the Caprica 6 that is in his head showed up and the flesh and blood Caprica 6 was there too? That was kinda trippy. I didn't realize that the Caprica 6 was still in Baltar's head. He must be going nutz (more nutz at least).