Thursday, October 19, 2006

I Gotta Name this? The Broker Record.

So, I read Woody's post from yesterday and he basically gave props to all of his highschool friends and their blogs. His recap of my blog was that I write about BSG and OSU football. Boy, am I a two trick pony or what? I looked back through the past few weeks and Woody is right. Most of the posts are BSG or OSU football related. Sorry about that. I guess the reasons for that are 1. I don't post much and BSG and OSU football are the most exciting things going on in my life at the moment, and 2. I am really not very creative. I found it very funny that the most comments on one of my posts was 11 and that was when I asked what I should do if I were rich. Thank you Amy and Mona for spending all of my fictional money on yourselves. When I post about BSG, I may get a comment or two and when I post about OSU football, nothing. I guess I need to broaden my horizons to keep everyone's attention.

While reading about Herb and Amy's encounter at the Woollybear Festival in Vermillion OH (don't laugh, Waterville has a festival for an island named for a buffalo) I started thinking about my past, both in highschool and college, and ralized that I have had a heck of a lot of nick-names in my day. I guess 'Eric' is just too much of a mouthful for some people. (Wow, that is a loaded sentence.) Seriously, I have a lot nick-names:

Tiny - freshman year in HS Marching Band
Wog - HS (WOG! FROG! WOODY! and Herb)
Ogre - College marching band
Ogs - short for the above name
E - Poker Night
EZE - Bowling Night
E-rock - Bowling Night
Rhodes-e - Work (my userID is rhodese1)
Big E - Poker Night

I'm sure there is more. I just can't think of them at the moment. Can anyone think of any other names that I may have been called in the past (not the bad ones, thank you)? How about your nick names? I know Woody probably doesn't have too many since Woody stuck so well. At least I didn't have any of the following unfortunate nick names:

BABS - Big Ass Boobs
Tic Tac - Takes it in the Cornhoe Take All Cocks
BAFT - Big Ass F-ing Tits
PITA - Pain In The Ass
Huggies - Ha! Rinnert!
FS - F--- Stain, or Stain for short

Those are all real names that I have really heard.


Anonymous said...

So what does Jessica call you . . . . (wink, wink)

Woody! said...

Hey, man, sorry to pigeonhole you. I just took a quick look at the recent entries and made a half-ass summary. You did good stuff with that "rich man" blog. I can't remember the last time I broke 11 comments. Keep fighting the good fight and I'll try to make some noise on here more often.

So say we all.

Eric Rhodes said...

No Prob Woody. I think I needed to be pigeonholed. Too much repetativeness. Besides, I know that several of my readers see OSU football and then don't bother to read on.

Amy, I'll tell you what Jessica calls me if you tell me what Neal calls you.

Anonymous said...

Dang! I can't think of anything clever to say . . . . .