Monday, November 21, 2005

Rough Ten Days

Starting today, I have a hard ten days ahead of me. It starts out with working today, then having three days off thanks to Turkey Day, then I work one more day (getting paid OT), have two off, work one day, and have two off. That is awesome! Granted, I will have to watch the kids for most of those days off, but that's OK. Also, we are having Thanksgiving dinner at our house, so I will be busy cleaning and cooking too. Here's our menu:

Turkey (of course), stuffing, mashed taters, sweet taters, green bean caserole, cranberry sauce, ham, pies, and other various goodies. We are making everything except for the pies and ham. Jessica's dad (a former chef) is going to help us with the turkey. My only concern is the oven space issue. We have a big oven and we bought a thing that you can put three things in at once, but we have five items that need baked. It could get a bit harry getting everything warm at the same time. It's all going to be yummy though.

We are going to go see the new Harry Potter movie tonight. I am looking forward to it, but am a bit worried about all of the things that will be missing from the book version. It is expected that they will have to cut some things since the book is so long, but how do they choose what to cut and what to keep? I had heard that one of the things they were going to cut is everything envolving Mrs. Weasley. That would suck because she is a great character and has some important areas in the story. Wel, I'm sure that they will keep the vital information in the movie. I worry even more about the next movie. The Order of the Phoenix is an even longer book than the Goblet of Fire. TONS of action.

1 comment:

Woody! said...

Have fun this weekend. Looking forward to your take on Potter. Also, looking forward to your take on my blog that I write tomorrow. And Rinnert, be sure to stop by on Thursday. >:>