Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Best Zombie Movie Ever.

Well, maybe not the best, but Shaun of the Dead is definately the funniest zombie movie ever. Target had it on sale for pretty cheap, so I grabbed a copy. I'd seen bits and pieces of it before, but this was the first time I'd watched it from start to finish. It was HI larious. If you've never seen it, I recommend it. It's a spoof on George Romero's Dawn of the Dead. It's a British comedy, so some of the gutteral English is hard to follow, but once you get used to it, it comedy just keeps coming. I also bought Office Space on DVD. Also a very funny movie. Escpcially if you'd ever worked in an office.


Anonymous said...

The best part about Shaun of the Dead was that, in addition to being really funny, it was an actual zombie movie. The zombies were scary, had good makeup, and the story was well thought out. It wasn't just a simple spoof with a thin plot. Go brits!

Eric Rhodes said...

too right! Another thing, George Romero liked Shaun of the Dead so much that he invited the screen writed and main actor to have cameos in Land of the Dead. If you saw Land of the Dead, you wouldn't recognize them, they were zombies. Side note: I about peed myself while they were chucking records at the zombies. Too funny.

Woody! said...

I agree with Amy. What seperates great parody from ho-hum parody, is that you have to have a quality as high as the original, if not better. Otherwise, the audience gets distracted by the lousy effects.