Thursday, November 03, 2005

My Pet Peeves

No, I don't have a pet named Peeves. I'm talking about things that just urk me. It takes a lot to get me riled up, but if you want to do it, here's how.

1. I try to be a safe driver. I'm not a Sunday Driver that goes 10 miles per hour below the speed limit, but I go the pace of the traffic around me and make sure that I keep safe distance from the car in front of me. My number one pet peeve is when other drivers take advantage of the safe distance and cut in front of me on the highway, thus eliminating my safe distance.
2. Drivers that pass in the left lane, then cut in front of you to get into the right lane in order to make an exit 20 feet away when there is miles of space behind you. Just slow down a tad and get over behind me. That extra milisecond of time that you save by cutting me off isn't worth it.
3. Drivers that refuse to move over one lane to let traffic enter a highway when there is room for them to get the hell over.
4. BIGGEST ONE OF ALL!!! On Feder Rd. the road I need to take to turn left on to Hilliard Rome Rd. is set up wierd. At the corner of Feder and Hillard Rome, there is three lanes, One turn left, one go straight, and one to turn right. There is an access road on the left side that leads to a Bob Evans and oil change placeThere are often cars on the access road wanting to turn left on to Feder Rd. When waiting to turn left, I think that it's nice to stop and allow the people from the access road some space to turn on to Feder. Well, what the FUCKERS I HATE do is zoom up the center lane and then cut into the left hand turn lane in the space I left for the access road people. It has happened at least three times since I have moved out here. People are just ASSHOLES. Who the hell are they to think that they are more important and feel then are allowed to cut in front of people. If I had my gun in the car, I may have to pop a few caps in them.

Cell Phones and Email
No, I do not dislike cell phones. They are a great tool to keep in touch with people and are great in case of emergency. No, I don't hate email. I email as my primary way to keep in touch with people. The pet peeves are when you try to call someone on their cell phone and they, not only don't answer, but they also do not reply to any of the messages that you leave for them. I am getting older and time seems to be going faster, and quite frankly, I no longer have time to mess with people that do not have the common courtesy to call me back when I leave a message on their cell phone. If you're busy, fine. Call me when you get a sec. But do not just blow me off. If I take the time out of my day to call and say hey, at least have the courtesy to call back and say "Hey, I'm pretty busy, can I call you later?" It's what friends are supposed to do. Also, what is the point of having a cell phone if you don't answer it when it rings? The same goes for emails. If someone takes the time out of their day to send an email to you, it should be your obligation to respond to the message. It only takes a minute. As it is, there are a few people out there that I am no longer trying to contact anymore. Not that if I see them I will ignore them or denounce their friendship. I just won't actively try to make contact with them anymore. If I don't rate high enough to give me a call back, they will no longer rate high enough for me to initiate a call. I have plenty of other friends. Now, I don't expect people to read this and think that they need to call me or email me to confirm their friendship. I understand that old friends sometimes move away and get new friends and new priorities. There are plenty of people that I consider friends that I only see or talk to once or twice a year. The pet peeve is when I call or email and then am blown off. I'm not going to sweat it, I just won't call or email them anymore. No biggie.

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