Thursday, August 24, 2006

The 4400....a Pleasant Suprise.

So, lately I have been getting Star Trek, Voyager on my NetFlix. I have viewed seasons 1 through 6 and have started on the seventh (and final) season. However, like in some previous weeks, NetFlix has sent me some DVDs that were not at the top of my list. This is an irritant to me, but at least I get DVDs that are on my list. Yesterday, instead of getting discs 3, 4, and 5 of Voyager, I got discs one and two of The 4400 season one and Disk one of the new Dr. Who series. The 4400 was a request from my wife. She had seen a few episodes and wanted to watch it from the beginning. I never really had any interest in the show, but was pleased after watching the first disc. If you don't know, The 4400 is a series about 4400 people fro mall around the world that were taken throughout the years by some entity (aliens, a higher power, the government, we don't know who. Maybe Woody took them). They are all returned at the same time in Seattle. It doesn't matter that they were returned in Seattle, they could have been returned in NYC, Houston, or Po-dunk Ohio (I madeup that town). It is a little sad in some respects, because some of these people have been missig for several years and their families have either died or moved on with their lives (the people were returned without aging and it was like time did not pass for them). As the show goes along, we discover that someof the 'returnees' came back with powers. It's all very X-Files like. So far, the story is very interesting. Thee are two government agents (a Skully and a Mulder) who are investigating where the 4400 went and how they came back. I won't get into it too much because I highly recommend that you go out and rent this series. So far, it's been pretty good. I was fairly rivetted by disc one.

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