Monday, November 27, 2006

I Likes Me A Good Deal

So, I went shopping for a few things last Friday. Normally, I would not go to any store on Black Friday, just because it is so crazy out there, but I needed a six foot RCA cable. So, I went to Target to get the cable. While I was there, I looked at DVDs and some other things like I always do when at Target.

Before I go on, just know that I am a DVD whore. I see a DVD I want, I buy it. Well, as long as it's not too pricey. Fopr example, I wanted to get season one of the new Dr. Who series, but it was, like, $80. Too much for my taste. But a new movie release for $15 or $16, I'mm all over it. As another example, I saw all of the Charmed TV series seasons for $20 each (usually $40) at Best Buy and I grabbed them.

Wel, on Black Friday, I saw seasons 1-3 of Smallville for $15 each (normally $40). DVD whore as I am, I grabbed them. I love finding things for cheap.


Anonymous said...

I loved Charmed!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to buy all the Alias series. She kicks some major ass.