Thursday, November 09, 2006

Democrat Man, the Fixer-Upper

So, I voted Tuesday. I usually don't get political on my blog or in my personal life, but I did want to comment on this year's vote and the outcome. I basically voted for anyone with a D next to their name. The Republicans have been in control of Ohio for about 16 years and it seems like the state has been steadily going down hill in those years. I felt that it was time for a change. Jobs are flooding out of Ohio. School costs and taxes are going through the roof. Not to mention the taxes that have been sky rocketing through the years. As far as the people that were not specified as Democrat or Republican, I voted for whichever name I liked or thought funny. Probably not the best strategy, but that's what I did. As far as the issues, I voted to raise the minimum wage (which passed), voted to allow the slot machines (which did not pass. I didn't care either way), I voted 'no' to allow smoking in bars and bowling alleys (which was shot down. YEAH!), and voted yes to ban smoking in public places (which passed. YEAH!) The other issues did not really matter much to me. So, the vote went pretty goo in my book. We have more Democrats in office, so hopfully there will be some positive changes. Probably not, but what can we really do?

I am a fixer-upper because, on Tuesday, my disposal died. I changed the disposal in my old house, so I wasn't too concerned with taking the project on myself. Really, the only hard part of the task is getting the old disposal out of the sink. They are usually in so long that they rust a bit or get stuck some other way. That is what happened in this case. What I needed to do was use a hack saw to cut off the bottom part and then use a wrench to bend the top part so it would come out of the sink. Putting in the new one was relatively easy. On top of the disposal, our dishwasher died. I was going to replace it myself, but I couldn't get it out from under the counter. So, I left it and paid extra to have a plumber remove it and install the new one. We should have it in a day or so. It figures, we had a home warranty and it expired a month ago. Otherwise, all this crap would have been free.


Anonymous said...

I too voted for all the names with a big D next to their name. :) Almost a straight ticket except for one Libertarian. :)

Anonymous said...

Really?! Just because of a D. Come on people. I am a Republican and I voted for some Democrats because I thought they could do the job the best. I voted for some Republicans. You are suppose to elect people not the party. These days the parties are so much alike anyhow the person is the important part.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Ames. It's one's civic duty to be familiar enough with the candidates so you know who you're voting for. I, however, am not familiar enough with candidates to be able to do that responsibly. I've always felt guilty over not knowing enough about who I'm voting for, but my next life-phase, which I already feel I'm entering, it will be higher on my list.

Anonymous said...

Without telling me, I could have guessed that you had a warranty expire last month. That's how it ALWAYS happens, isn't it?

Eric Rhodes said...

Well, the way I see it, Republicans have been in control of the government for years and years. I just felt it was time for a change. If the Democrats keep screwing things up, I will start voting for Republican. Besides, how can you really know what the candidate is about? The ads tell you how terrible the opponent is, not what the candidate is for. Besides, politicians lie to get elected and then do whatever they want to when they are in office. Just look at the pres. and all of his lies.