Thursday, June 29, 2006

Season Four. The Best Season of Voyager to Date.

As you know I have been geting old TV series on DVD through my Netflix subscription. This has been a little frustrating to me because, lately, I have been getting a lot of DVDs out of order. If you don't know, with Netflix, you make a list of DVDs to be sent to you. They are supposed to send the movie at the top of your list. I have Been getting Star Trek Voyager lately. It is probably my favorite Star Trek series. Deep Space nine may be a close second. Anyway, I guess someone else in the general area is getting Voyager too, because there have been a few times that I get movies further down on my list. I am glad that Netflix doesn't just send me disk one of season five if I am waiting to receve disk two of season four. They have the brains to know that I have all seven Voyager seasons on my queue and want to watch them in order. Well, let me bet back to the point.

The reasons that Voyager is my favorite it because:

1. The story is compelling. A Star Fleet ship is flung across the galaxy my a powerful entity and are stranded 70 years from home. The crew meets all sorts of hostile aliens that want to steal their technology or just plain kill them. They spend the next seven seasons trying to get back to Federation space.

2. Kinda connected to reason 1, there is all sorts of special effects and space battles. This probable raises me up on the geek factor, but I could watch hours of space battles with good special effects. I think that a great Star Trek Series would be full of space battles, like the Federation is being invaded by a superior force. Kinda like Deep Space Nine when the Dominion invaded, but at a larger scale. Similar to Battle Star Galactica, only based in the Trekkie universe. They'd have to create new technology to defend themselves against a superior force.

3. Finally, three words - Seven of Nine (See picture). As a teen, The addition of Seven of Nine to the Voyager crew (in season four) put a smile on my face and a funny feeling in my trousers. I saw an interview with the actress, Jeri Ryan, who said that her uniform was so tight that she almost passed out once. She was added to the show to try to perk the interest of the viewers in an attempt to stimulate the dropping ratings. I'd say it worked since the series went another four seasons.

Anyway, season four is the best Voyager season to date. I have disk one at home and already watched it once. I think I will try to watch it again this morning before the mail is picked up. It is just full of non stop action (and Seven of Nine). Seasons one through three are deffinately worth the watch, but I may have to go out ane buy season four.


Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree with you. Voyager had great potential but it only tapped maybe half of it.

Unfortunately, the Borg were overdone...the best adversary they came up against were the Hunters (Horadrim?). And even then, it got old.

I guess my biggest disappointment was that it looked as though they were going to do this huge story arc but they stayed more episodic like the original Treks. Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galatica did a better job at this.

I think only Trek that really came close to tapping into this was Deep Space Nine closer to the last few seasons...the Dominion and the Prophets. But still, they lingered too long on the episodic remnant.

Too bad.

Eric Rhodes said...

I've never really watched Babylon 5, but BSG is TOTALLY better than any of the Star Treks. Deep Space Nine was good during the Dominion seasons. And the Voyager season with the hunters was good too. I am just saying that season four was better than the first three.