Thursday, June 01, 2006

X-Men 3..... I liked it.

This Memorial Day, I took the boys to see the latest (and last?) installment of the X-Men movie series. I was a little nervous about this movie. In general, as a movie, I really liked X3. It was full of action and the story was good. Plus, this film added two of my favs to the X-Men movie mix: The Juggernaut and Kitty Pryde. I always liked the Juggernaut as a bad guy. The unstoppable force. It was a great book when they put Juggernaut up against the Blog (the immovable object). Kitty Pryde was a bit of a highschool crush for me. I know she's a comic book character, but I didn't get much play back in my comic reading day. Also, Kelsey Grammer play the Beast very well. They did a good job with that character. Another thing that I liked about all of the X-Men movies, is that they all kept a certain distance from the comic books. Yes, there are some similarities in the plot lines, but the movie makers never completely stole whole stories from the pages of the Marvel Comics. Now, as a fan of the comic book, there are a few things about X3 that did NOT like (If you have not seen thios movie, you may not want to read the following ...SPOILERS!!!:

1. Magneto and Mystique were made human. If they killed them it would be one thing, but to strip these two bad ass mutants of their powers is criminal.
2. Cyclops was killed in the first half hour of the movie. He was an original member of the X-Men. How can you just kill him off like that?
3. Mr. Multiple (Multiple Man?) was a bad guy. If memory serves, he was one of the good guys on the X-Factor team.
4. Rogue took the cure. She is one of my favs from the comic book. Of course, the movie makers took alot of liberties with this character throughout the films, but she was such a powerful mutant and they never really scratched the surface of her potential.
5. Professor X was killed. Yeah, he died in the comic books, and he was brought back, but to see him get killed so easily kinda bothered me. I guess the movie makers were pulling out all of the stops trying to make this film shocking and dark.

As I said, all in all this was a good movie to watch. I'm sure that comic book purists may have several problems with it, but I will definately buy the DVD.


Woody! said...

I wouldn't worry too much about the depowerings and killings. They made a point to show you that Magneto still had some power left so they can bring back Magneto and Mystique that way. You never saw Cyclops's body so they can write themselves out of that if they want. Also, if you stayed until after the credits, you would have seen the out for Professor X.

Madrox eventually became a good guy but he did start out on the wrong side of the tracks in his first appearance going up against the Fantastic Four.

No major complaints from me. A good time.

Eric Rhodes said...

You are right on all counts Woody. The comics always had people die and then come back. And I did stay until the end of the credits. There are certainly many outs for them to plan another movie. All in all, I liked X3 alot.