Friday, May 05, 2006

Diet Update....The Incredible Shrinking Eric

It's been a while since I've posted about the diet that I'm on. If you don't remember, I am doing the South Beach Diet. For two weeks, you go carb-free so that your body can flush out the sugars in your system. It rough the first few days, I'm not going to lie, but after that, it gets easier. After the first two weeks, you get to start adding 'good' carbs to your meals. This means whole grains. What you cannot eat is sugar and anything made with white flour. That means pasta, bread, potatoes, and grain alcohol (beer). After a while, you really don't miss those foods too much. What you do eat is alot of protein and fiber. You can have eggs, bacon, any meat, almost any veggies (no corn).... So, I have alot of salads, steaks, chicken, and then throw in some grain rice and such. It's not too bad. There are South Beach foods sold in the stores, including crackers and cookies. Nuts are also fine. For your sweet tooth, you can have sugar free pudding and jello. It's similar to the Adkins diet, but not quite as strict. One thing that is good is that after the first week or so, you drop about five pounds from water retention. Junk food and sugars make your body hold more water, so you pee it all out once you start eating the right foods.

Well, after last week and all of the 'comfort foods' I at while up in Toledo, I went up a few pounds. Due to the added stress of Jessica's grandma's illness,we were also drinking a bit more (hard alcohol is OK. Like vodka and whiskey) which made me eat too many snacks. After hitting the diet again, I am back to losing more weight. I am also getting outside alot more doing yard work. SO, the number you are all waiting for: I am still not low enough to tell everyone how much I actually weigh, but I have lost somewhere between 40 and 50 pounds. It was like I was carrying Gabriel around all the time. It's amazing how much weight you can gain if you don't really pay attention to what you eat. I'm still heavier than my college weight and much higher than my high school weight. My goal is to get back to my high school weight. I know I'll always be big, but I can't be this big.


Woody! said...

Congrats on the progress, paco. There's no way I could give up my carbs. Pretzels, bread, pasta... no way. You're a stronger man than I.

Eric Rhodes said...

It's more of a desire to live long enough to see my kids grow up, graduate, get married, and so on.... I was getting a bit out of control for a while there. If I ever disclose my max weight, people may be shocked.

Mona said...

WOW....that's awesome, man! Leila lost a lot of weight, too. I think her max loss was around 60 pounds or so. I'm trying to lose about 10 pounds right now. I need to boost my exercise routine a bit....I got a bit lax this winter.