Friday, February 22, 2008

General Post

1. When did Moe grow a beard? I logged into just now, and this picture popped up as one of their current members. I don't know why I could care that this Mountain Man Moe is a member of, but the doppelganger pic gave me a chuckle.

2. Working from home is nice some times. 300 central Ohio schools are closed today, due to snow. I was watching the news and the trafic report said that there was a car overturned at the exit I would use to get to my office (if I were to go to my office). The downside is that, if people call off because of the snow or the office closes because of the snow, I get to pick up all the slack.

3. I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I got a poker DVD through NetFlix a while back. It really changed the way I think about playing poker. I would like to say that I am unstoppable now, but I still have some bad habits I need to break. Plus, winning poker really depends on the cards that you get (to a large degree). Sure, you can bluff every hand, but that wouldn't work for long. Still, the last two games I played, I came in 3rd and 2nd place.

4. What the fuck is going on with Lost? (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!) The show is good enough that I am going to watch the rest of the season, but I think that the writers smoke a bag of pot before writing and try to think what they can do to give watchers more questions. "How can we fuck with them this week?" I am getting really thrown by the way they are showing flash forwards. Mostly the time lime is throwing me. In the season opener, we see Jack and Kate meeting with Jack saying they need to go back. Last night we see Kate on trial. Did the trial happen before or after their other meeting? Plus, we see Aaron looking like a three year old. Why wouldn't Jack want to see him? I assumed it was because Kate got knocked up by Sawyer. I think probably the biggest question now is, why are there only six survivors from the island? Did everyone else die ro stay? I really want to kick Locke in the balls for being so wishy washy and a whiney little bitch. AAAARRRGH!!!! There are just SO many questions about this show! There are so many new questions that I am forgetting old questions from previous seasons!


Woody! said...

Yeah, I've been pretty glad that I haven't had to drive into an office during some of these crazy wintery days.

And I was disappointed by last week's episode mostly. But that bombshell at the end almost made up for the stinky 59 previous minutes. I just hate the Kate-centric episodes. The more she talks, the more irritating she is.

Mona said...

Moe looks good with a beard. Although it's a little odd to see at first when you aren't used to it.

Eric Rhodes said...

All this season has going for it so far are bombshells at the end. And not very good ones. "I have a man on thier boat." OOOOOOOOOHHHH. Shivers. I was waiting for more, but the show was over that night.

I don't think that is really Moe.
Just his doppelganger.

Eric Rhodes said...

Moe would look good with a beard though. judging from this pic.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...I thought that was really Moe at first. I didn't know what doppelganger meant.

Anonymous said...

Сердце в язвах от безделья, можно излечить трудом. Бездельник покинут жизнью. Кто хочет работать - ищет средства, кто не хочет - причины. Если ты сделал работу очень быстро, но плохо, то в скором времени все забудут, что ты сделал это быстро, а вот помнить о том, что ты сделал плохо, будут долго. Для бездельника жизнь скучна, а для делового – радость. Труд есть начало всех начал. Ленивый человек в бесчестном покое сходен с неподвижною болотною водою, которая, кроме смраду и презренных гадин, ничего не производит. Нет в жизни счастья бездельнику.

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