Sunday, March 01, 2009

New Glasses, Back Pains, and Guy's Night

I went to the eye doctor last week to order some new glasses. I mostly wear glasses now rather than contacts because I work from home and glasses are easier. I have eye insurance, so it is pretty cheap for me to get new glasses. I think the pair I am getting is $70, including the exam. Without insurance, they would have been over $400. This is the one insurance that is actually worth what I pay. It is a good thing because the glasses I have are all scratched.

My back has been killing me the last two days. I am not sure why. The only thought I have is that I pulled something bowling Thursday. It seems to be getting worse though. Maybe I slept on it wrong or something. I have been trying to stretch and have been taking pain pills, but nothing seems to be helping. Hopefully one more night will make it better.

Tonight it going to be just me and the boys. One of Jessica's co-worker-s mothers passed away and Jessica wanted to go to the funeral in Toledo. So, she is taking Ally up to T-town tonight where they will be staying with my parents. Then, Ally will spend the day with my parents while Jessica goes to the funeral. My parents and Ally will enjoy it, at least. As for me, I wanted to go bowling, but my back (see above). Maybe I will take my .38 and do some target practice. I haven't done that for a while.


Betsy said...

You shoot guns?? Sorry about your back. Getting older sucks, and we're only at the beginning!!

Eric Rhodes said...

not guns. gun. MY gun. It is a 38 mm revolver. I would like to upgrade to a 45 mm semi-automatic, but those are expensive. Shooting is great for stress relief. Don't worry though. I keep it locked up and hidden.