Monday, July 21, 2008

Yup. It's Bigger Than a Baby's Arm!

I've been picking crazy big zuccinis from my garden lately. Plus a bunch of cucumbers and some yellow squash. Still, not too many tomaotes yet. Just little ones. The big ones are starting to get ripe though. It is so exciting having fresh yummy tomaotes. I am a little worried about my tomato plants though. They have some brown leaves at the bottom. I hope they are not diseased. That six foot plant I posted about before is now bigger than ever. I can't even reach the top anymore. I guess I will have to get the tomatoes that grow too high after they fall off the plant. I just love fresh veggies. The picture of my hand and the plant is me reaching up as high as I can and still not reaching the top.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Ummm.... if you wake up some morning and all your veggies are gone, it's probably the neighbor kids.... yeah.... can't trust those veggie loving neighbor kids.

My tomatoes are starting to ripen, but they're really small. Still not too bad for for my first try and for tomatoes growing on a deck. Our next house (who knows when that will be) is having a space for a garden in the backyard!!