Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sorry, it's been a while.

I guess I'll give Mona's butt a break and post something new. Does that sound as bad in your brain as it does in mine? Anyway, the reasons for my not writing much lately are basically that I've been a little busy and I haven't had too much to write. Right now, I am burning some CDs for in the car. Fun stuff. Actually, Jessica's mom, grandma, and two aunts are here, so I'm hiding out a little. I guess that makes me a bad person, but oh well. Something neat: Jessica's aunt is an antique person (no, she's not an antique, she's into antiques) and she had me look up the china that we got from my mom (it was my Grandma Kenney's) on the internet. Apparently, a tea cup and saucer set is worth $40. We have 12 sets. So, basically, the china we got fom my mom is worth over a grand. Wow. I need to get photos and add it to my home insurance.

Diet update: Depending on which scale I use, I've lost between 15 and 25 pounds and am averaging about a pound a day. At this rate I will hit my goal in three months or so. I doubt it though. It's not good to lose that much weight that fast. I found a picture of me from when I was 16 and can't believe that I actually looked that skinny. I was never skinny, but it is obvious that I've put on a few pounds. All I've done so far is stop drinking alcohol, stop eating so many carbs, and walk on the treadmill every few days. It's been really easy. I miss drinking a little, but that's the worst of it. I've had more energy, no heartburn, and can already notice clothing fitting better. Plus, this is a bit gross so I'm sorry, I poop a lot less. I mean a lot. I should have started this diet years ago.

I've been watching the third season of Alias. It is very good. I have one more disk to watch and then I'll be starting on season 4. The third season isn't a good as season 2, but it is still really good. Lots of twists and turns. We watched The 40 Year Old Virgin last night. It was SO funny. Imagine the sexual inadiquacies of a 14 year old wrapped up in a 40 year old man that rides a bike everywhere and collects superhero dolls. It had some goofy parts, but overall, I liked it. We also got the Wedding Crashers, but haven't had a chance to watch yet.


Mona said...

Good job, Eric! That's awesome that you've been progressively losing the weight. It's not easy. I just want to lose about 5 or 10 pounds...but I won't really start on that for awhile. I'm going to wait until Spring or Summer. Oh, and thanks for giving my butt a break. :)

Eric Rhodes said...

Wow. A comment from Bryan?! Will wonders ever cease? Just kidding B. I know you are busy with all of your projects. We should try to get together some day.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss! It makes it a lot easier when you see results so soon, doesn't it?

I just finally got all caught up with Alias. I was Tivoing the current season, so when I finished the DVDs I watched everything from this year and now I'm ready for it to start up again. Since I'm done with that I've actually been watching Buffy again - I'm almost done with the first season. We'll have to get together again and exchange DVDs!