Monday, January 09, 2006

general news

Texas Hold'em Party: I am having a poker party this month on the 28th. I don't know why I play. I never seem to win in big games. I won a few games with small groups, but I just can't get over the bubble when it comes to bigger games. I usually play pretty well, but have bad luck or make a bad bet that knocks me out of the game. Anyway, if you read this blog and want to play, just shoot me an email or add a comment to let me know. An email would be prefirible.

The Great Rhodes Reduction: I am starting the South Beach diet. It's time to stop gaining and start losing. I love food. More specifically, I love food that is bad for me. Basically, I am highly reducing the amount of sugar and carbohydrates that I intake. Oh, and I can't drink alcohol anymore. That is going to be the hardest for me. If you have kids, you know what it feels like to just need a whiskey and Sprite. We are also buying a treadmill. I don't know exactly how much I weigh now, but I know that it is way too much. I tell you what, I started this on Saturday, and I already feel like I have more energy after starting to eat healthier. The first two weeks is 100% carb free. Then, you start adding a few carbohydrates here and there. I would like to at least get back to my college weight. I think my high school weight is a bit out of reach. Honestly, anything would be an improovement.

Three Years and Still Truckin': January 6th was my three year wedding anniversary. It doesn't seem like Jessica and I have been married that long. It really puts into perspective just how quickly time moves. On top of that Gabriel is almost four. Before I know it, he and Alydia will be in school and Noah will be on his way to college (if he wants). Wow. Anyway, for our anniversary, I bought a dozen roses for Jess and we went out to dinner. We wanted to go to Bravo, which is an Italian place, but the wait would have been almost an hour. We drove a round to try to find a different place, and about an hour later, we got a table at Chili's We are so impatient. It was still a good dinner. It was like our last meal before starting the diet. I wish it would have been Italian, but the chicken and ribs were still pretty good.

The Basketball Buckeyes lost their first game Saturday to Indiana. It was a two point loss, which is disappointing, since they were up 17 in the first half. Still, it was a great game to watch. I think that the guy that had the last shot for OSU was fouled, but kudos to IU for coming back to win that game. The game definately proves that OSU is legit in the Big Ten this year. Losing by 2 at IU is almost as good as a win at home. IU is tough. The whole Big Ten Conference is going to be tough this year. The experts say that 7 or 8 teams have a shot at going to the NCAA tourney.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary! I didn't realize you guys had been married that long either. Did you ever think, back in high school, that you'd be here now?

Good luck with the weight loss. I never put much stock into the low-carb diets until I got pregnant and became diabetic. Just changing my diet to "only" eat 9 servings of carbs a day helped me lose 5 pounds right away. Of course I've put that back on since, but I'm growing a person here.

Eric Rhodes said...

Leila, thanks for the advice about the food diary. I'd probably cry if I really realized what I ate all in one day. My biggest two problems: desserts and fried foods. It's been four days so far, and I've craved a fudge sundae every day so far. Good job about the weight loss! Hey, if you liked Serenity, you shuold check out the TV series, Firefly. Good stuff. Also the new Battle Star Galactica kicks ass. My sports blogging should decrease since NCAA football is over.

Amy, thanks. I guess I'll let it slide that you are putting on a little, what with the whole "growing a person inside you" thing. That's very exciting. Kids are fun (mostly).