Thursday, January 12, 2006

Shopping Spree and Diet Update

It's been five days since I started my diet. That means five days of eggs, meats, and veggies. No more bread, desserts (or deserts), or the hard thing for me, alcohol. Honestly, I am doing OK with it all. I actually feel like I have more energy now than I did before. I can't say if I've lost any weight, but Jessica said that she has lost four pounds since the last time she weighed herself two weeks ago. To help out, we went out and bought a treadmill. I'd rather do my excercise in the privacy rather than outside or in a gym in front of skinny, pretty people. We should get a scale so that we can track ourselves.

On top of the treadmill, I went out on a shopping spree yesterday. Sorta. As I mentioned before, my Xbox is on the fritz. Well, I guess I should say that my OLD Xbox is on the fritz. I went ahead and sprung for a new one. I went to Best Buy, which I was feuding with, and got an Xbox with a game with it. I also went ahead and bought the two year replacement plan. Within the two years, if I decide upgrade to the 360, they will give me the full price of the Xbox in trade towards the 360. So, it's like I put a down payment on my future purchase of the Xbox 360. I just need to remember to upgrade within two years.

On top of the Xbox, I bought seasons 3 and 4 of Alias. I am totally a DVD bitch. It is like an obsession. I know I could get on Netflix and pay a monthly fee to get all the DVDs I want over time, but I am definately a instant gratification kind of guy. I also bought one of the coolest DVD sets I have ever seen. R30, Rush's 30 year anniversary DVD. I havn't watched it yet, but it contains 2 DVDs of live Rush concerts and interviews. Also, there are two audio CDs, I assuming of live music, that I had no idea were in the package. It also included a booklet of pictures and two guitar picks that were stamped with Geddy Lee's and Alex Lifeson's autographs. The only way this package could have been better is if there were some Neil Peart drum sticks included.


Woody! said...

Keep up the good work on the diet. I couldn't cut out carbs, not in a million years. It was probably a good call for the X-Box/Xbox360 down payment. I'm still holding out hope that I won't need the 360 anytime soon.

Eric Rhodes said...

Well, the only time I will need a 360 is when Halo 3 comes out. I don't play games too much anymore, but since I cut out alcohol, I figured I needed a violent outlet for the frustrations of life. Doom 3 is that outlet. That's a fun, scary game by the way. Anyway, I will need Halo 3. I'm a Halo junkie.