Friday, March 03, 2006

Jessica Alba is HOT.

My latest NetFlix movie was Into the Blue. It is about a couple that lives in The Bahamas and the guy is into looking for sunken treasure. He's poor, so he has shitty equipment, but he's dating Jessica Alba's character, so why would he care? All I have to say is, slow motion swimming in a thong..... There was more to the movie than that, of course, but if you like Jessica Alba, she is smokin' in this flim. There is some good action and the story is pretty good too. I wouldn't put in my top ten favorites, but I'm not regretting using up a NetFlix rental to watch this movie. The acting isn't great (the two male characters are from 90120, I think) but I was able to get past that.

I also watched The Children of Dune, a mini series that was on Sci Fi. I liked Dune, both the origonal film and the Sci Fi channel remake, but Children of Dune left me a bit disappointed. The main character of Dune, Paul, up and leaves his throne (he's the emporor of the universe) and wanders off into the dessert. It had a bunch of wierd things happen and odd subplots, and the ending was kinda dumb. I was actually a little angry after seeing this mini series because Dune was such a neat story. I think they tried to cram two long books into the mini series, so maybe they had to leave alot of important info on the cutting room floor. I guess it was interesting enough, but I was not pleased overall. I guess my stardards have gone up after watching season 1 of the Sopranos. Now, THAT is a good show.

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